Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Galileo etc

Links, manuals and utilities

hallon 150px Linux logo 150px

Basic setup and many good advices (Tariq Khan : Creating a Raspberry Pi Web server)


Find IP address

Configure Network Settings
and set static address


Change hostname and ftp


Change mouse double-click speed

Run a script on start up.pdf

USB disk

Setting up a USB drive

Connect Raspberry Pi to a USB hard disk

Adding USB drives to RPi

Visa fil- och diskutrymme med df och du

Creating and deleting a user

Updating op-system and software

How to uninstall packages

ftp, proftpd and root login

Streamlining your pi

Resize root partition

Virtual webservers - important notice



Share your Raspberry Pi

Create a Windows Share

Samba demands its own passwords

Pihlgrens praktiska tips

Raspberry   OPsystem   Tips   Hardware   Projects   Magpi   Arduino   Linux Mint 

February 03, 2024
